The Accounts Receivable Department in the Controller’s Office provides the status of collections activity using the codes listed in the table below. These codes are the first three characters seen in the TEXT field in SAP. Additional notes can be viewed in long text. For questions on any invoices please send an email to the departmental email address [email protected] and we will get back to you within 48 hours.

Full Separator

Invoice Text Table (S.A.P.)

A00Customer has promised to pay – A00 4/1/23 (30
A01Customer is researching payment or reviewing docs (10)
A02Customer is waiting funds from external source. – send to Manager and SPSS – relinquish ownership
A03Customer is disputing, working with SPSS, Dept or Billings (7) – any disputes CC Manager
B00Billings is researching invoice – (7)
CA1Cash accounting is researching payment/refund issue – (7)
CA2Funds have been received but not posted yet (Format as PD 3/23/23 WIRE/ACH/LBX)
D00Department asked AR not to contact the customer, this is at a customer level not invoice level. Leave as is
D01Department is researching, working with customer, collecting contact/generic email address (7)
GFTInvoice for Gift/Pledges – NOT AR Collections. Leave as is
MNGEscalated to Manager. Write-off, Legal issues, Disputes, etc.
SP0Sponsored Projects is researching, working with Dept./ PI (7)
SP1Grant closed, waiting final report (case by case basis depending on the invoice amount – approval needed)
XCTDepartment Clinical Trial – (Only follow-up w/ dept. every 30 days)
W01Customer contacted for the first time awaiting response (7) For Supervisor format as “W01 – SUP”
W02Customer contacted for the second time awaiting response (7) – if no response after W02 reach out to internal Dept. for new/updated contact information – For Supervisor format as “W02 – SUP”
W03Customer contacted for the third time awaiting response – Forward and escalate to Supervisor. (7) For Supervisor format as “W03 – SUP”

Partial Pays are handled with the above codes but the invoice# to the partial payment should be noted in short text. 

*Escalation- after 3rd attempt with no reply send to Supervisor, if continued with no response then Supervisor sends to Manager